His voice tuned the mighty breeze and bought them to her ear.
She turned to his brighter face then to the setting Sun, " We are human beings, Lord and we do not know our own greatness. Lord give us the humility to ask for what we need, because no desire is vain and no request futile. Each of us knows how best to feed our own soul; Give us the courage to see our desires as coming from the fown of Your eternal wisdom. Only by accepting our desires can we begin to understanwhom we are. Amen"
She took a pauze to gaze at the twilight.
"Lord help me understand that all good things

Help me to be humble enough to accept that I am no different from other people. Amen"
" Now its your turn little one"
He took his eyes off her twinkling face, now brighter, and turned to the last few rays of the setting Sun.
" That was light to me, Lord", He began " And I pray she will always have her prayers granted."
Her cheeks blushed in silence, stealing all the red from the twilight. He smiled watching the sunset.
That was a beautiful eve, a New Year's eve. Tomorrow the Sun hath rise anew, the day hath put on them a better attire.
" Brother let us rise", Hand in hand they walked away,
she telling him her wishes and he giving thanks that they were together.